Archives * Soul Treasures by Miss Dee


 Toxic Waste - Skirting An Issue

     When you skirt or avoid dealing with your issues, you are contaminating the environment.

     The energy of avoidance pushes your issue away from you and then out into the environment where it touches someone else's energy field, polluting his/her space.

     He/she pushes your issue away and back into the environment or he/she internally investigates; researching the possibility of this issue belonging to him/her, needing to claim it and then work on it. This internal investigation process may take one moment, several hours or days. But because it, the issue, is yours to resolve, it leaves him/her and returns to you.

     It returns to you, asking for your attention and a resolution. If you avoid it, push it away from you out into the environment you are, once again, contaminating the environment with the toxic waste of skirting your issue.


     Compatible books with this month's topic are the booklets, "Thoughts on Being Cherished," "Thoughts on Relationships," "Thoughts on Life Purposes," and "Thoughts on Your Psychic Self," of the Warm Fuzzies series, all by Miss Dee.   


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